
Delivering world-class certification and expert advice

What does it cover

Ingredients that are derived from potentially Genetically Modified sources need to be validated that they are NON GM.

These currently include origins* of :-

  • Soya
  • Maize
  • Cotton Seed
  • Rapeseed Oil (from non EU sources)

Spice Ingredients, need to be verified that they are free from illegal dyes and comply with the recommendations and meet the levels of detection for non-permitted colours in spices ads defined by the UK Food Standards Agency.

High risk ingredient origins* are currently :-

  • Soya
  • Maize
  • Cotton Seed
  • Rapeseed Oil (from non EU sources)

Current non-permitted dyes* include :-

  • Sudan Dyes I-IV
  • Para red
  • Sudan Red B
  • Sudan Red 7B
  • Sudan Red G
  • Butter Yellow
  • Metanil Yellow
  • Orange G
  • Rhodamine B
  • Orange II
  • Toluidine Red
  • Annatto
  • Bixin
  • Norbixin
Get Started!

* These lists are not exhaustive and may be reviewed periodically as deemed necessary. Please ensure to check the website regularly for any changes to the controlled ingredients. You will not be automatically notified if this list is changed.

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Get in touch with us, and we can give you more details on the range of services we offer. Have a problem, but cannot see a solution list? We may be able to help you directly.

(+44)1902 627200